
Introductory course in linear algebra. Some knowledge of algorithms.
Knowledge of a modern programming language such as C, C++, Fortran, Python, or Java. We will use (modern) Fortran in class, since this language is very popular in high performance scientific and data-intensive computing, and has parallel computing instructions included in the language. We will organise the course in such a way that there will be time to learn Fortran for those coming from another language. Some experience with the Linux operating system is helpful.

Aim of the course

The course aims to provide a thorough knowledge of designing and implementing parallel algorithms for problems in the area of scientific computing and data analysis.

Learning goals

After completing the course, you should be able to:

- design a parallel algorithm for a problem from the area of scientific computing or data analysis;
- analyse the cost of the algorithm using simple models of a parallel machine
- write a parallel program based on an algorithm that solves a problem;
- write a report on the algorithm, its analysis, and numerical experiments performed, in a concise and readable form;
- present the results in an oral presentation, in a clear manner, highlighting the most important ideas.

For decades, computers became faster due to the decreasing transistor size. Unfortunately, this "free lunch" is over: already since many years now, increase in computational performance is achieved solely by increasing the number of processors in computing systems.
Examples are laptops and smartphones (4-8 cores), compute servers (12-128 cores), and clusters of such servers (many thousand cores). GPUs, popular in data analysis and machine learning, already have thousands of simple processors on a single chip.
This trend is expected to continue, and causes a major change in our approach to software, such as the mathematical software we use in scientific computing,
data analysis and machine learning.

Parallel computers drastically increase our computational capabilities and thus enable us to model more realistically in many application areas. To make efficient use of parallel computers, it is necessary to reorganize the structure of our computational methods. In particular, attention must be paid to the division of work among the different processors solving a problem in parallel, and to the communication between them. Suitable parallel algorithms and systems software are needed to realize the capabilities of parallel computers.

The following subjects are treated:

- Types of existing parallel computers;
- Principles of parallel computation: distributing the work evenly and avoiding communication;
- The Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) and Roofline models as idealized models of the parallel computer;
- Use of Fortran as the basis for architecture-independent programs;
- Parallel algorithms for the following problems: inner product computation, sorting, prime number sieving, LU decomposition, sparse matrix-vector multiplication, iterative solution of linear systems, Discrete Fourier Transform;
- Model-based analysis of the computation, communication and synchronization time requirements of these algorithms;
- Hands-on experience in the laboratory class, using the DelftBlue supercomputer at TU Delft.

- Project work will count for 40% of the grade. The course will be concluded with an oral exam that counts for 60%. The minimal grade for the oral exam is 5. The grades for the work remain valid for resit oral exams. There is no repair option for the project work.

Rob Bisseling, Parallel Scientific Computation: A Structured Approach Using BSP, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2020

Teaching format
- The course will be taught partly online (2/3 of the lectures) and partly onsite (1/3 of the lectures. Project work is an essential part of the course. The onsite lectures are mainly devoted to presenting and discussing the project results, the online lectures focus on explantation of new theory.

- Martin van Gijzen (TU Delft)
- Jonas Thies (TU Delft)