Mastermath video recordings (FAQ)
Why are not all courses recorded?
Recordings of lectures cost money, and Mastermath has a limited budget for recordings. We select the courses we want to record based on overlap between lectures, travel distance and the popularity of the course.
Where can I access the video recordings of a course?
After enrolling to a course, the course page will contain information about accessing the video-recordings consisting of a link to a VIMEO-showcase and a password. Navigate to this link and use the password to gain access to the showcase.
How quickly will courses be uploaded after the lecture?
We aim to upload videos as soon as possible after the lecture, and generally speaking the recordings should be available within 48 hours after the lecture.
Can I change the playback speed of a lecture?
Yes! One way to do this is to install the following plugin in Google Chrome: It is also possible to download the video’s (click the Download button below the video), and change the playback speed in a video player on your own computer (an example of such a video player would be VLC: ).