
Anita van der Laan
Marieke van der Wegen

Address Contact information
Korteweg-de Vries Instituut
Science Park 107
PO Box  94248
1090 GE  Amsterdam
Phone: 020 - 525 8607


Executive Board

Prof. Dr. Gil Cavalcanti Universiteit Utrecht
Dr. Bodo Manthey Universiteit Twente


Board / RegieOrgaan

Dr. Martin Bright Universiteit Leiden
Dr. Robert Planque Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Prof. Dr. Anton Stoorvogel Universiteit Twente
Dr. Andrea Fuster Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Prof. Dr. Martin van Gijzen Technische Universiteit Delft
Dr. Wioletta Ruszel Universiteit Utrecht
Prof. Dr. Stephan Trenn Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Dr. Stefanie Sonner Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Dr. Jan Brandts Universiteit van Amsterdam


Research Networks

The Mastermath programme is determined by the teaching directors of the participating mathematics programme in collaboration with several national research networks. Some of these networks organise other activities for students, and provide information on local courses (outside Mastermath) in their research area. See the links below for more information. Note that you might need permission of your own programme if you want to get credit for these courses or activities.

The networks
  • Diamant has a focus on discrete, combinatorial and algorithmic mathematics. Its main fields of interest lie within optimization, scheduling, algebra, geometry, number theory and cryptology. Website

  • GQT. Website, and list of local master courses.

  • LNMB focuses on the mathematical aspects within Operations Research. Website, master courses.

  • Logic studies classes (and categories) of mathematical structures which are definable in some formalism; and it studies the relationships between those categories and the defining formalism. Website for students coming soon.

  • NDNS+ focuses on the emergence of patterns in natural (nonlinear) systems. Website, and list of local master courses

  • Scientific Computing is a rapidly growing field, providing mathematical methods and software for computer simulations in a wide variety of application areas, from particle simulations for the study of protein folding to mesh calculations in climate change prediction. The area is highly interdisciplinary, bringing together methods from numerical analysis, high-performance computing, and application fields.

  • STAR stands for Stochastics — Theoretical and Applied Research. Website.

Last modified: Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 5:34 PM